Tangible Costs | Tangible Benefits |
l The tuition fee and extra additional fees such as donation or registration fee l Money spent for transportation l Money spent for extra materials for the class such as notebooks, pencils, or uniforms l Money spent for extracurricular program such as sports team. l Money spent for the injuries that are gotten from P.E class or other sports. | l The money you will earn later when you get a better job with the education. l By having education and getting grades, it might reduce the tuition fee for the colleges by getting scholarship. l By getting education, even though students don’t go for further education, they can get basic jobs. They will better off then those who have no education at all. l Students can use all the facilities for free in the school l Students are able to get basic, practical knowledge such as computer or speech skills. |
Intangible Costs | Intangible Benefits |
l 15 years of time will be spent for the education while it can be used to do other things. l A lot of efforts are needed to complete 15 year of education. l Students have to try to fit themselves in the school society. l Student might know the wider range of bad things in school by interacting with friends. l There might be problem of bullying. | l They will be able to improve the socializing ability by interacting with different kinds of people. l Students are able to learn basic norms and values of society which will make them sociable and suitable in the real outside society. l By working together with friends during school years, students can learn how to cooperate each other. l By being educated, student might get into better colleges and eventually getting better reputation. l Students might have special experience such as camping or having field trip with friends. |
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