2011년 12월 9일 금요일

Final project (movie A.I.)

I chose the movie, A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). In this movie, polar ice caps have melted and the resulting raise of the ocean waters has drowned all the coastal cities of the world. The human race, which was withdrawn to the interior of the continents, keeps advancing and reached to the point of creating realistic robots, called mechas to serve them. In this movie, the main character is David who is an artificial kid. He is the first one to have real feelings, especially everlasting love for his mother, Monica. Monica adopts David as a substitute for her real son. David lives happily with Monica. However, when their real son returns home after a cure, David’s life changes dramatically.

Monica decides to hide David instead of sending him to by destroyed. David is eventually abandoned by Monica in the forest with his teddy robot. Then, David is being captured by an anti-mecha Flesh Fair where abandoned mechas are destroyed in front of cheering crowds. David is nearly killed but the crowd is sways by his realistic nature and his pleading and David escapes with Joe which is also an abandoned robot. Then he sets out for the journey in search of “blue fairy” that he read in the story of Pinocchio who will turn him into real human child and bring him back to Monica.

Then later, he finds the blue fairy and asks to make him real human repeatedly. And he become frozen with sea water which makes his internal power source to drain away. Then millions years later, human-kind is extinct and mechas get more human-like, and more advanced. Then mechas find David and recognizes that he knew living humans, making them special and unique. David is revived and walks to the frozen Blue fairy statue, which cracks and collapses as he touches it. Then at David’s insistence, they recreate Monica from DNA in the lock of her hair which had been saved by Teddy. Even though she can live only a single day, David spends the happiest day of his life with Monica.

In this movie, there is a philosophical question about materialism, dualism and moral at the same time. If there is no spirit of non-material thing but just matter, then there is no need for us to care about morality. Then, question such as is it moral to kill David who is artificial robot child with emotion might appear. Even though David was artificial child, he developed to have emotion of love and hatred over Martin, original son of Monica.

To this question, materialism might say yes or wouldn’t really answer this question, because materialists believe that it’s superstition that makes man vicious, unhappy, and immoral.  They believe that humans depend on supernatural to get these feelings which is just nothing. Therefore as materialists believe that we’re just made up of matter, and as there is nothing after the death, there is no reason why it would be immoral to kill David.

However, dualist would say differently. They would say no. Dualist believes that there is physical stuff and spiritual stuff. Physical things have size and mass while spiritual things are in time, but they take up no space. They think the emotion as one of non-material stuff which makes human unique from other organism. Therefore even though David is made of material, as long as he has emotion, dualist would be reluctant to kill. It will be against their standard of morality to kill David.

The opinion of my interviewee was quite between dualist and materialist. Her opinion was that as long as David was not human, but just with the emotion, it’s accepted as moral act to kill him. The interviewee is Christian, therefore, held the belief that human is the only creation of God which could be immoral to kill without reason. This aspect might be kind of dualist because she believes in the existence of God and spiritual world.

In my opinion, it’s immoral to kill David. Even though, he was made out of materials, he still has emotions, which are one of the symbols of human. Also we have to consider that human created him, for the benefit of human. However, if we kill David, then we will feel somehow self-guilty. The fact that we are filled with “self-guiltiness” means we have done something immoral, which means killing David is immoral. Therefore, killing David who is an artificial boy with emotion is immoral.

2011년 11월 28일 월요일

ch 22./ 23

I agree with theistic package, but not with the bliss. It's because even though we believe in God and there is meaning in our life, we can never guarantee that there will be happiness for everyone. Many people who believe in God might not have happiness. Maybe that's why many people are committing suicide. Even though people believe in God and believe that they have meaningful life, they might not have bliss which makes their life gloomy and hard. For example, missionaries who are in harsh environment such as North Korea, or Afghanistan, firmly believe in God and life after death. They believe they have mission given by God to spread gospel around the world. And this makes them to believe that they have meaningful life. However, it's never true that they have bliss throughout their life. Even though they have meaning in their life, missionaries are likely to have harsh environment or difficult situations such as financial problem or governmental interference on spreading gospel. These make their life harsher which means it's not always correct to say that believeing God or theistic package is related with bliss.

2011년 11월 16일 수요일

TED video

Materialism believes that everything is a material object. There're no minds, souls or spirits that are non-material. Everything is physical only. Materialists argue their claim with the brain chemistry argument. According to brain chemistry, those functions that are considered to be working with mentality, such as thinking, memory, emotion or pain, are results of chemical processes in brain. Everything is the outcome of psychological condition by means of drugs and other physical therapies. For example, when we love someone, it's not that our soul is existing and causing love, but it's hormone which is causing brain to love someone or something. Therefore materialists are claiming that we are no more than just a matter and electrochemical system.

In TED video, Ramachandran is basically supporting the brain chemistry argument which is the side of materialism. In brain, there are hundreds billions of nerve cells and they carry out each functions, such as consciousness or memory. And when these cells are damaged, the functions such as consciousness or memory will not work properly. In this video, the speaker gave 3 examples to explain brain chemistry.

First, he talked about Capgras syndrome. It's a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend or a family member has been replaced by an identical-looking imposter. Usually when we think about the memory, or self-awareness, we think them as some kind of mentality. This makes us to think that we have  minds which is what dualist says. However, if part of the brain that is associated with memory is damaged and we can't recall who the person is, then it proves that we don't actually have soul or mind but we have brain which is just a group of matter. This defeats dualists.

Second, he talked about phantom limb pain. According to his experiment, he had used mirror box to relieve phantom limb pain and move cut limb without phantom. The patient with phantom limb pain reflected his normal arm in the mirror. And when he moved the normal arm, he automatically moved phantom limb. Without looking at mirror, he couldn't move, but as soon as he looked at mirror again, he was able to move his phantom limb. This proves that by these kind of tricks, we can easily control the our brain and self-awareness. Many people believe that self-awareness is something that we think as mentality, however, if this is the case, we can't say we have minds, but self-awareness is just part of brain functioning which means there is no minds and souls in human being, so it defeats dualists.

Third, he talked about synesthesia. Synesthesia is condition in which stimulation of one sensory leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory. In the video, he shows 2 shapes; a circle with smooth curve and another with croocked surface. Then people were told to decide which one would be booba and which one would be kiki. Then, most of them chose a shape with croocked surface a kiki. In this case, people were able to connect the word with the shape based on their experiences. In the brain sound and shape have cross-activated. However, when this part of brain is damaged again, then people won't be able to recognize things. Therefore this again shows that human beings are just no more than matters. Self-awareness that we hold to be mental stuff, is determined to be no more than one of brain functions which is just matter.

2011년 10월 31일 월요일

Truman Show- Freewill and determinism

Truman show is the movie that shows entire Truman's life. Truman lives in the world that is created by Christof, the director of Truman show.In the movie, Truman is given freedom within the world that is created for him. When we look at him from the outside of his world, he is forced to live within the enormous set of stage.

There might be theological challenge to Truman's freedom. In the movie, Christof acts as a God to Truman. He created the world for Truman, sets time, rises sun, and decides his family etc. He is always looking at Truman as God does. Therefore, Truman is not free because Christof can control Truman's action by changing his world which God can only do.

There might be scientific challenge to Truman's freedom. According to scientific challenge, everything that happens in nature has a cause. In the movie, the world is created by Christof which caused Truman to act in typical ways such as looking for truth, and lover. And Christof made this movie to entertain people which is another cause. Like this, every cause is chained to other cause.

In my opinion, Truman is free, because he does everything he wants. For example, he eats whatever he wants, he tries to find the woman he loves and he even seeks to find the truth. He can do everything that he wants within that world. According to compatibilism, he is free, because it's his desire to seek his lover and truth. He wants to love that woman and wants to know what the real truth is, so as compatibilist says that free act is an event caused by person's intention caused by an inner state of that person such as desire, Truman is actually free.

Agency theory would also say that Truman is free, but they would explain it differently. Agency theory believes that free action is an act caused by an agent. In the movie, the action and decision Truman make are free because Truman himself is intelligent being and therefore an agent. As agency theory believe that every event has cause, even though there is cause that triggered Truman to act in a certain way, his action is considered as free.

However, I think Truman is only free in the view of Truman, himself. When we try to analyze in the view of audience, Truman is not free at all. According to scientific determinists, a free action is an event having to do with a person's intentions that is without a cause. In this case, the world Truman lives in is created by Christof, which means he is the cause of how Truman acts and lives. He is the one that determines the life of Truman. And as the principle of universal causality says everything has cause and every cause is event, there is no freedom for human. Therefore Truman is not free at all in the view of audience.

Milgram Experiment

Through Milgram's experiment, we can see what kind of an action agency theory believes as a free action. Agency theory believes that a free act is an act caused by an agent. In this experiment, the one who is commanding to continue the experiment acts as an agent, so in this case, his commands and pressure are becoming the cause for the person who is causing electric shock. Therefore, people who believe in agency theory would say that person who is causing electric shock is actually free, because the action is caused by an agent. However, agency theory would not fully agree with the principle of universal causality, because they believe that every event has a cause, but not in a causal chain with a very long history. Also when we compare Agency theory with scientific determinists, they, scientific determinists, would not agree that person who is causing shock is actually free, because they define free action as an event without a cause. But then as unversal causality says everything is caused by cause, person's action in this experiment is not free. Same as determinists, indeterminists would also say that this man is not free, becuase there was a cause which is commander, who caused him to cause electric shock. However, compatibilist would say that the action is free because this action was caused by an inner state of that person, or decision to act.

When we sum all these up, we can see that this man was actually free according to the Agency theory. However, we can't judge whether he was ethical or not because even though he was free, he was ordered to give an electric shot. With the agency theory, he would unethical as this was his freewill. However, in reality, it would be hard to judge whether he is ethical or not.

2011년 10월 17일 월요일

Question 9

I don't think we actually have "freewill". Our actions are always caused by other events. For example, when I choose what to wear, I won't choose something very odd, because I certainly know that this is out of fashion. So at this point, the fashion trend is determining what I would wear. Therefore as this choice was not my sole will, I can't say I was free to choose. I might say I was forced to choose. Also, because of our instict, we might not be free. For example, when we are hungry, we automatically look for food. It's not that I'm brainstorming whether to eat or not, but I'm just following my instinct, which is not my freewill. Therefore, in our life, I don't think I have freewill, but we choose something that is already determined.

2011년 10월 4일 화요일

2011년 9월 29일 목요일

The cost benefit analysis in the view of utilitarian

I think utilitarian would support the education of K-12 because the side of benefit outweighs the cost of education. As utilitarian supports something that would bring people happiness, they definitely would support going to school. Going to school requires consuming a lot of money, however, when we see the later effect of having education, people are able to get much more money than the money they have spent before by getting better job and earning more money. Then this would bring happiness to themselves, and even to the government and countries. As country has a lot of educated people, it would help country develop economically, socially, and politically. Eventually this would bring happiness to all the citizens of the country which is the reason why untilitarians would support the compulsory education of K-12.

On the other hand, this idea might ignore people's right and freedom to choose what they want. Some people might not want to get education, because they think that as waste of time. Also some people simply might not have enough money to afford, so the idea of utilitarian would ignore the individual right. Also the time, or friends cannot be considered as costs. These things can't be given values.

2011년 9월 27일 화요일

Cost-benefit analysis of going to school.

Tangible Costs
Tangible Benefits
l  The tuition fee and extra additional fees such as donation or registration fee 
l  Money spent for transportation  
l  Money spent for extra materials for the class such as notebooks, pencils, or uniforms
l  Money spent for extracurricular program such as sports team.
l  Money spent for the injuries that are gotten from P.E class or other sports.
l  The money you will earn later when you get a better job with the education.
l  By having education and getting grades, it might reduce the tuition fee for the colleges by getting scholarship.
l  By getting education, even though students don’t go for further education, they can get basic jobs. They will better off then those who have no education at all.
l  Students can use all the facilities for free in the school
l  Students are able to get basic, practical knowledge such as computer or speech skills.

Intangible Costs
Intangible Benefits
l   15 years of time will be spent for the education while it can be used to do other things.
l   A lot of efforts are needed to complete 15 year of education.
l   Students have to try to fit themselves in the school society.
l   Student might know the wider range of bad things in school by interacting with friends.
l   There might be problem of bullying.
l   They will be able to improve the socializing ability by interacting with different kinds of people.
l   Students are able to learn basic norms and values of society which will make them sociable and suitable in the real outside society.
l   By working together with friends during school years, students can learn how to cooperate each other.
l   By being educated, student might get into better colleges and eventually getting better reputation.
l   Students might have special experience such as camping or having field trip with friends.

2011년 9월 14일 수요일

Sep. 14, assignment

They said that I was not being consistent at all, because I answer it's moral to kill for the first and third scneario, but immoral for the second one. It said, that there would be a question with my response that why it would be immoral for second scenario, while the structure, sacrificing a person for saving three lives, is similar with third scenario. Also they said that my responses are out of line, because if outcome is something that is counted, then second scenario also should be moral.

However, my opinion is a bit different. I chose first scenario to be moral, because it's not quite moral to let younger people exposed to cruel death. It's just better to make them die comfortably. Also they won't really have ability to make better decision at that age. That's why I chose it to be moral. However, for the second scenario, sailers were being selfish. Even though he was going be dead, they didn't have any right to kill a innocent boy. Tom dudley didn't even have determined mind, but he asked to another sailer whether he has to kill him for their survival, so in that situation, killing was done for their benefits. That's why I chose it to be immoral. The third scenario was quite similar to the second one, but the forth man was going to die in some minutes, while other three men were going to die in seconds. Therefore I thought that it would be more wise choice for forth person to sacrifice to save other men.

2011년 9월 8일 목요일

Do now #107 (Incomplete knowledge)

I believe that there are a lot of knowledges that are incomplete in this world. One of the them is that we might have some supernatural animals in this world. There are some kind of myths about unicorns or dragons. Some of people gave up on finding them out, and just believe that there are no such things. However, they might exist somewhere we don't really know. This makes our knowledge incomplete. We just think that if we can't see by our eyes, there is no such thing which makes us quite ignorant. We can just determine that there are not such animals in this world. Therefore this issue about supernatural animals are incomplete knowledge of humans.

2011년 8월 26일 금요일

Opinion on Truman Show

For your blog post, discuss at least three things that you see in Truman’s life that are unusual and that, if they happened in your life, would make you question what was happening.

1. Truman's father was appeared in front of Truman after his death. And suddenly, he was kidnapped by a woman and a man.

2. A lady whom Truman started to fall in love with tried to say something about Trumen's life wasn't real and everybody knows him.

3. There were technical staffs and cameramans inside the elevator instead of the wall of elevator.

Then predict what will happen in the end of the movie. (No googling it.) If you think Truman will escape, how do you think he will come to realize that he’s living on a set? If he does not escape, why not?

I think Truman will eventually escape. He will keep following random people who are actually actors and actresses and will find out what's happening behind his life. Also he will try to get out of his life pattern that he was keeping everyday such as buying newspapers and magazines, going to work and other extra schedules. Instead, he will try to act oddly such as visiting police station in sudden, or trying to be doubtful on everything.
I think he will suspect his beliefs and eventually his life itself.