2011년 9월 29일 목요일

The cost benefit analysis in the view of utilitarian

I think utilitarian would support the education of K-12 because the side of benefit outweighs the cost of education. As utilitarian supports something that would bring people happiness, they definitely would support going to school. Going to school requires consuming a lot of money, however, when we see the later effect of having education, people are able to get much more money than the money they have spent before by getting better job and earning more money. Then this would bring happiness to themselves, and even to the government and countries. As country has a lot of educated people, it would help country develop economically, socially, and politically. Eventually this would bring happiness to all the citizens of the country which is the reason why untilitarians would support the compulsory education of K-12.

On the other hand, this idea might ignore people's right and freedom to choose what they want. Some people might not want to get education, because they think that as waste of time. Also some people simply might not have enough money to afford, so the idea of utilitarian would ignore the individual right. Also the time, or friends cannot be considered as costs. These things can't be given values.

2011년 9월 27일 화요일

Cost-benefit analysis of going to school.

Tangible Costs
Tangible Benefits
l  The tuition fee and extra additional fees such as donation or registration fee 
l  Money spent for transportation  
l  Money spent for extra materials for the class such as notebooks, pencils, or uniforms
l  Money spent for extracurricular program such as sports team.
l  Money spent for the injuries that are gotten from P.E class or other sports.
l  The money you will earn later when you get a better job with the education.
l  By having education and getting grades, it might reduce the tuition fee for the colleges by getting scholarship.
l  By getting education, even though students don’t go for further education, they can get basic jobs. They will better off then those who have no education at all.
l  Students can use all the facilities for free in the school
l  Students are able to get basic, practical knowledge such as computer or speech skills.

Intangible Costs
Intangible Benefits
l   15 years of time will be spent for the education while it can be used to do other things.
l   A lot of efforts are needed to complete 15 year of education.
l   Students have to try to fit themselves in the school society.
l   Student might know the wider range of bad things in school by interacting with friends.
l   There might be problem of bullying.
l   They will be able to improve the socializing ability by interacting with different kinds of people.
l   Students are able to learn basic norms and values of society which will make them sociable and suitable in the real outside society.
l   By working together with friends during school years, students can learn how to cooperate each other.
l   By being educated, student might get into better colleges and eventually getting better reputation.
l   Students might have special experience such as camping or having field trip with friends.

2011년 9월 14일 수요일

Sep. 14, assignment

They said that I was not being consistent at all, because I answer it's moral to kill for the first and third scneario, but immoral for the second one. It said, that there would be a question with my response that why it would be immoral for second scenario, while the structure, sacrificing a person for saving three lives, is similar with third scenario. Also they said that my responses are out of line, because if outcome is something that is counted, then second scenario also should be moral.

However, my opinion is a bit different. I chose first scenario to be moral, because it's not quite moral to let younger people exposed to cruel death. It's just better to make them die comfortably. Also they won't really have ability to make better decision at that age. That's why I chose it to be moral. However, for the second scenario, sailers were being selfish. Even though he was going be dead, they didn't have any right to kill a innocent boy. Tom dudley didn't even have determined mind, but he asked to another sailer whether he has to kill him for their survival, so in that situation, killing was done for their benefits. That's why I chose it to be immoral. The third scenario was quite similar to the second one, but the forth man was going to die in some minutes, while other three men were going to die in seconds. Therefore I thought that it would be more wise choice for forth person to sacrifice to save other men.

2011년 9월 8일 목요일

Do now #107 (Incomplete knowledge)

I believe that there are a lot of knowledges that are incomplete in this world. One of the them is that we might have some supernatural animals in this world. There are some kind of myths about unicorns or dragons. Some of people gave up on finding them out, and just believe that there are no such things. However, they might exist somewhere we don't really know. This makes our knowledge incomplete. We just think that if we can't see by our eyes, there is no such thing which makes us quite ignorant. We can just determine that there are not such animals in this world. Therefore this issue about supernatural animals are incomplete knowledge of humans.